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• Duration: 36 months

• Start: Feb 2009

• Total Cost: 17.3 M€

• National authorities
  contribution: 4.6 M€

  contribution: 2.6 M€

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eDIANA (Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings) addresses the need of achieving energy efficiency in buildings through innovative solutions based on embedded systems.
Technical Approach
The eDIANA Platform is a reference model-based architecture, implemented through an open middleware including specifications, design methods, tools, standards, and procedures for platform validation and verification. eDIANA Platform will enable the interoperability of heterogeneous devices at the Cell and MacroCell levels, and it will provide the hook to connect the building as a node in the producer/consumer electrical grid.

Thus, eDIANA will provide a Reference Architecture for a network of composable, interoperable and layered embedded systems that will be instantiated to several physical architectures. The eDIANA Platform realisations will then cope with a variable set of location and building specific constraints, related with parameters such as climate, Cell/MacroCell configuration (one to many, one to one etc), energy regulations etc.

Expected impact
The technology to be developed in eDIANA will improve energy efficiency and optimize buildings energy consumption by 25%, providing real-time measurement, integration and control. Moreover, comfort will be improved, making the user aware and enabling user-controlled policies for household devices (lighting, domestic electronics, etc.).

Such progress beyond the state of the art will enable the building to become an “active macroCell” in the energy network, connected to similar macroCells in a district or urban area.
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